JSC "Uralgeoinform" KPD of IDGC of the North-West


Today, 18 April, 2019 in Saint-Petersburg started - United Corporate presentation day of OJSC "IDGC North-West" (CPD).

Photos from the event CPD

CPD is a specialized platform providing support, development and implementation of innovative competitive ideas, finished products and technologies offered in the field of energy at power grid facilities.

CPD participants are manufacturers and suppliers of products, technologies and services for the needs of electric grid companies.

The main topic of efficiency in 2019 was - "Tools for the long-term development of the power grid complex: geographic information systems (GIS) and software for the calculation of networks"

Topics of discussions on CPD:

1. GIS – integration platform for solving urgent problems of electric grid companies:

  • building a multi-factor monitoring system with the ability to simulate emergency situations based on meteorological data and coordination of emergency recovery operations;
  • development of automated dispatching service, collection and processing of telemetry information from stationary and mobile facilities, personnel management, including physical condition monitoring;
  • a comprehensive analysis of the territorial infrastructure, updating the data for the purposes of design, development of schemes for the development of the network infrastructure.

2. Software for network calculation – power grid infrastructure planning tool:

  • calculation of currents, reliability indicators, RZA units, modes;
  • computer-aided design of power grid facilities

Representatives of JSC "Uralgeoinform" took an active part in the CPD, as well as demonstrated stand pseudo-bump map for the simulation of emergency situations in the territory of activity of regional electric networks and planning of actions for their elimination. The report "Collection and processing of geospatial data on the territorial infrastructure for the creation of a geonformation system" at the site of the CPD was made by Tatiana Sukhanova - Chief engineer - Deputy CEO.

Photos from the event CPD

On materials: mrsksevzap.ru

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