Interactive map of Russian polling stations


An interactive map of polling stations was launched on the website of the Central election Commission for the presidential elections of Russia on March 18, 2018

The people of Russia can find on the online map all addresses of precinct and territorial election commissions.


On the map conventional signs marked:

- point of reception of applications for inclusion in the voter lists at the location — by clicking on the marker displays contact information

- premises for voting at the presidential elections of the Russian Federation on March 18, 2018

 - territorial election commission.

By clicking on a residential building marker  "My polling place" will be allocated to the polling station and marker  point of reception of applications of the precinct election Commission at the place of registration.


The CEC of Russia reports that information on addresses of territorial and precinct election commissions can be specified.

You can see the map on this link.

Оofficial site of the Central election Commission of Russia

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