The Congress of the interregional public organization "Russian society of geodesy, cartography and land management" took the decision to restore the award.F. N. Krasovsky


Having heard and discussed the reports of the Chairperson of the Central Board V. P. Taganova and the head of the Executive Directorate R. G. Sapova the participants of the Congress unanimously called for the restoration of the award named after outstanding Russian scientist-surveyor, member-correspondent of the Academy of Sciences F. N. Krasouski for the best scientific-technical development in surveying and mapping and adopted the regulation on it.

The award will be timed to the professional holiday "the Day of workers of geodesy and cartography" established by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation from November 11, 2000 No. 1867.

The Congress was also elected to the Committee for awarding the prize. F. N. Krasovsky, composed of: General Director of OOO "RAKURS" V. N. Adrov, Advisor to the General Director of sue "Mosgorgeotrest" Andrey V. Antipov, senior researcher, Geophysical centre of Russian Academy of Sciences V. I. Kaftan, General Director of JSC "aerogeodeziya" A. Y. Matveev, Vice-rector MIIGAiK V. B. Nepoklonov, Deputy rector of the Siberian state University of geosystems and technologies VI, Bidenko, head of Department, fsbi "Federal scientific-technical center of geodesy, cartography and SDI" by A. N. Prusakov, President of NP "Association of professionals of topographical service". V. N. Filatov, senior researcher research center survey and navigational support of the 27th TSNII Minoborony Rossii N.. Shebalin.

The size of the prize. F. N. Krasovsky will be installed at the announcement of the competition for the award for the next year based on planned for these purposes means Companies. Information about the announcement of the contest for the award named after F. N. Krasovsky nominated works and award of prizes will be published on the official website of the Society and in the journal "Geodesy and cartography".

The Congress of the interregional public organization "Russian society of geodesy, cartography and land management" was held in Москве14 March 2017

Source: GIS-Association

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