Looks like volcano eruption from space

17 February 2017

Volcanoes and geological formations on the surface of the Earth (or other planet) where molten magma comes to the surface, forming lava, volcanic gases and pyroclastic flows.

The word "volcano" comes from the name of the Roman God of fire Volcano. There are about 1 500 active volcanoes, most of which are located along the Pacific ring of fire, and about 50 of them erupt every year. Almost 500 million people live near active volcanoes.

Looks like the eruption of a volcano from space?

Chandalar is an active volcano in Chile

Height over sea level of 1122 m. the Caldera is about 3 km in diameter, at the bottom of it there are several crater lakes. The volcano has not been active for years 9400-9500 until may 2, 2008 has not started a major eruption, the release reached 30 km in height. May 6 lava reached the village, 50 km radius were evacuated almost the entire population. (NASA photo)

Чайтен — активный вулкан в Чили

The Sarychev Volcano, Russia

Sarychev volcano — active stratovolcano on the island of Matua greater Kuril ridge; one of the most active volcanoes of the Kurile Islands. The early stage eruption of 2009 was recorded on June 12 aboard the International space station. (NASA photo)

Вулкан Сарычева, Россия

Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Russia

Klyuchevskaya Sopka (Klyuchevskoy volcano) — the current stratovolcano on the East of Kamchatka. With a height of 4850 m, is the tallest active volcano on the Eurasian continent. The volcano is approximately 7,000 years. (NASA photo)

Ключевская Сопка, Россия

Ключевская Сопка, Россия

Pavlov Volcano, Alaska

The Pavlov volcano — active stratovolcano near the southern tip of the Alaskan Peninsula. The diameter of the volcano is approximately 7 km away and Is one of the most active volcanoes of Alaska, on account of his more than 40 historical eruptions. The last strong eruption of the volcano occurred in 2013. (Photo by NASA ISS Crew Earth Observations)

Вулкан Павлова, Аляска

Puyehue, Chile

Puyehue — active volcano in southern Chile. Height above sea level of the top — 2 236 m. 4 Jun 2011 in the area of the volcano there have been several small aftershocks, and by evening the eruption began. Above the volcano Puyehue rose a huge column of smoke and ash. The volcanic ash cloud moving with the wind in the direction of Argentina. According to the National service of Geology and mining industry of the country, the volcano threw a column of ash up to 10 km (Photo NASA GSFC, Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team)

Пуйеуэ, Чили

The eruption of the volcano Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland

A volcanic eruption near the Eyjafjallajökull glacier in Iceland began on the night of 20/21 March 2010. The main consequence of the eruption was the release of a cloud of volcanic ash, which broke the air traffic in Northern Europe. (Photo NASA GSFC, Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team)

Извержение вулкана Эйяфьядлайёкюдль, Исландия

Volcano Nyiragongo, Congo

Since 1882 it was 34 eruptions; however, it so happened that volcanic activity continued for many years. The main crater is 250 meters deep and 2 km wide; it sometimes forms lava lake. One of the most powerful eruptions of Nyiragongo occurred in 1977; then the fire flows killed several hundred people. (NASA photo)

Вулкан Ньирагонго, Конго

Vulcan Tire-Moedaka, Japan

After powerful earthquake in Japan, the volcano awoke Tires-Moedaka. It is located in the South-West of the country — on the island of Kyushu. The volcano was thrown into the sky a pile of stones, and over the mountain was formed by a giant ash cloud. (Photo NASA, Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team)

Вулкан Шин-Моедаке, Япония

Merapi Volcano, Indonesia

Merapi — the largest in Indonesia, an active volcano located on the island of Java near Yogyakarta. The altitude of 2914 meters. Large eruptions occur on average every 7 years. One of the most destructive eruptions recorded in 1673, when it was destroyed several towns and many villages at the foot of the volcano. (NASA photo)

Вулкан Мерапи, Индонезия

Api Volcano, Indonesia

IPA is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia on the island of Sangeang. The height of the volcano — 1 949 meters. (NASA photo)

Вулкан Апи, Индонезия

Volcano Etna, Italy

Etna — an active stratovolcano located on the Eastern coast of Sicily. This is the highest active volcano in Europe. Now the height of mount Etna is 3 329 m above sea level. Etna — the largest active volcano in Italy, surpassing its nearest "rival" Vesuvius more than 2.5 times. According to various sources, Etna has between 200 and 400 side volcanic craters. On average, every three months from one, then from another crater erupting lava. (NASA photo)

Вулкан Этна, Италия

Volcano Manam, Papua New Guinea

A large eruption of manam volcano, occurred on the morning of 12 January to the North of New Guinea. Volcanologists reported that the satellite images height of ash emissions reaching 14 kilometers. (Photo NASA, Jesse Allen)

Вулкан Манам, Папуа — Новая Гвинея

Materials http://loveopium.ru

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