JSC "Roskartografiya" - radio Russia


On may 18, radio Russia, within the framework of the "five-day" program, with Vadim Tikhomirov, held a conversation about the return of Russian geographical names on maps and atlases of the world. As experts in the transfer participated Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Spirenkov, Deputy head of Rosreestr, and Alexander N. Krayukhin, Advisor to the General Director of Joint-stock companies "Roskartografiya".

The program was called "Translation from Russian. Return of Russian geographical names to maps and atlases of the world". Her Russian idea came after V. V. Putin's speech at a meeting of the Russian geographical society, where he proposed to start returning their real names to the Russian geographical name – to show and tell that we have our own history, have our own geography. And to impose this geography on other countries. The host was interested in the questions of who determines the name of the geographical object, and who then puts it on the map, who can be the initiator of the renaming of a settlement.

The participants of the program told about the law on the name of geographical objects, how the names of recently opened objects are given, how the translation of foreign names into Russian takes place. The conversation also touched upon the issue of secret maps, the differences between civilian and military maps. A. N. Krayukhin told about the huge work done by JSC "Roskartografiya" to preserve the production of now unique paper cartographic products.

Russia has always been in the first place in the world for the quality of cartographic works, - he stressed. – This has been repeatedly confirmed by leading international experts. Our task is to maintain the high level of cartographers ' skills and attract new, more mobile and accessible digital technologies. For example, the national Atlas of the Arctic, released by us in 2017, is now available in an electronic version, which allows you to accommodate more information and make changes to the content more quickly.

The program ended on a positive note. Experts unanimously agreed that Russian geographical names on maps and in atlases should increase the overall Patriotic spirit, especially among young people. The role of the state in supporting cartography is extremely important, and the last year there has been a positive trend – the state and the government demonstrate a high degree of interest in the industry

On materials: JSC "Roskartografiya"

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