From 2 to 4 April 2018, employees of the Department of topographic and geodetic works of the production Directorate of JSC Roskartografiya conducted training of employees of subsidiaries and dependent companies on the topic: "Field and office work in the performance of high-precision leveling."
During the training, issues related to the requirements for the accuracy of measurements, methods of their production, planning of field work, processing of field measurements were considered. For practical consolidation of the received skills leveling of I and II classes with use of digital and optical levels was executed.
The event was attended by specialists of JSC "aerogeodeziya" (Shchetinin A. V., Popov A. A.), JSC "DV AGP" (Mikhailov K. O.), JSC Novgorod AGP (Chanin R. Y.), JSC "Uralmashizhora" (Novikov I. E., Shitikov A. S.), JSC "Yakut AGP" (Mukhin M. P.).
Training of personnel is an important component of production activities, - said A. Prokhorenko, Deputy General Director for production of JSC "Roskartografiya". – Within the framework of state contracts on development of the Main high-rise basis of the Russian Federation and on development of the state geodetic networks of FAGS*, VGS** and GHS-1*** we must carry out high-precision leveling. And such work requires the highest professionalism and experience from the performers.
*FAGS - fundamental astronomical and geodetic network, the main geodetic basis for the formation of the entire state geodetic network;
**HCV - high-precision geodetic network, serves as the basis for the development of geodetic constructions of subsequent classes, and is also used to create high-precision elevation maps;
***SGG-1 - satellite geodetic network of the 1st class, spatial geodetic construction, the main function of which is to provide optimal conditions for the implementation of precision and operational capabilities of satellite equipment in the transfer of geodetic support of the territory of Russia on satellite methods for determining the coordinates
On materials: JSC "Roskartografiya"