As reported by the order of Ministry of economic development of Russia from 16.09.2016 N 586 specifies that the coordinates of the characteristic points of boundaries of land management units are defined with an accuracy lower than the accuracy of a cartographic basis of the state cadastre of real estate, adopted at the territory in which is located the boundary of the object land.
Also found that the description of the location of boundaries of land management units, which is carried out with the aim of making information about such boundaries in the state cadastre of real estate, can be carried out in relation to the borders of object of land management, and in respect of the part (s) of its boundary.
Included in the state cadastre of real estate of data on borders of object of land management can change (be updated):
- the results of cadastral works concerning the land plot (plots), if part of the boundary of the object land should coincide with the part of the border of the land plot, provided that the boundary of such land was determined with higher precision than the border of the object land;
- by results of work to establish on the ground the boundaries of land management units;
in the case of changing the description of the location of boundaries of land management units or passing the state Border of the Russian Federation, stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The order is registered in Ministry of justice of Russia 06.10.2016.
The text of the document can be found here.