The public law company "Roskadastr" has been established


The status of the new public law company is regulated by a separate federal law (Federal Law No. 448-FL of December 30, 2021 "On the Public Law Company Roskadastr").

The Company will carry out the following activities:

  • geodetic and cartographic activities;
  • execution of cadastral and land management works;
  • creation and maintenance of relevant state information systems and information resources;
  • development, implementation and information support of electronic services necessary for the provision of services, as well as the
  • provision of services;
  • scientific and educational activities, etc.

In addition, Roskadastr has the right to conduct income-generating activities.

The founder of the company is Rosreestr.

"Roskadastr" is created on the basis of federal state budgetary institutions (FSBI "FKP Rosreestr", FSBI "Center of Geodesy, Cartography and IPD") and joint-stock companies (JSC "Rostekhinventarization - Federal BTI", JSC "Roskartografiya").

The management bodies of Roskadastra are the Supervisory Board, the Management Board and the General Director. The supreme governing body of the company is the supervisory Board, the number of members of which should not be more than seven. All of them will be appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation for a five-year term. The supervisory board will necessarily include the General Director of Roskadastra, as well as the head of Rosreestr.

Like all public law companies, Roskadastr will have to develop a strategy for its development and annually approve a financial plan.

Roskadastr is intended to become a full-cycle organization that will provide for the needs of the state the implementation of the entire complex of geodetic and cartographic works, works on filling the spatial data fund, as well as the creation of a single electronic cartographic basis. The latter will be used in the future by the Rosreestr for the provision of public services, including cadastral registration services.

Federal Law No. 448-FL of December 30, 2021 "On the Public Law Company Roskadastr"
Federal Law No. 449-FL of December 30, 2021 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation"

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