The third day of work - XIV International exhibition and scientific Congress "Interexpo GEO-Siberia-2018" as well as the previous ones was marked by a large number of conferences and round tables. Among them, it can be noted international conference "cross-Border cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan: the formation of a unified geographic information system of environmental management"
"Siberian state University of geosystems and technologies", Novosibirsk
East Kazakhstan state technical University. D. serikbayeva, Republic of Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk
The purpose of the event: to consider the issues of scientific and technical cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan in the formation of a single geoinformation support system of environmental management of transboundary territories.
Obidenko, Vladimir Ivanovich, candidate of technical Sciences, Vice-rector for SPO, the Director of the Novosibirsk technical school of geodesy and cartography., Novosibirsk, Russia
Rahimberdin Marjane Esenbekova, Ph. D., head. the Department "Geodesy, land management and cadastre" sub-Department they. D. serikbayeva, Republic of Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk
Dubrovsky Alexey Viktorovich, Ph. D., head. NPL "Digitizer", will Ruin, Novosibirsk
Batyrbekov Erlan Galetovic, Director General of the RSE national nuclear center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kurchatov
Ustavich George A., Ph. D., Professor, SSGA, Novosibirsk
Nikitin Vyacheslav Nikolaevich, candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, SSGA, Novosibirsk
Skorobogatova Anastasia S., state enterprise "Cassette", Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana
Consider issues:
- global issues of economic, social, cultural, political and technical cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan;
- cadastre of transboundary lands, land and property legislation of Russia and Kazakhstan;
- issues of environmental management and environmental monitoring of transboundary natural areas;
- modern methods of conducting high-precision geodetic works in cross-border areas; demarcation of borders; issues of unification of coordinate and high-altitude systems; ‐ research, design, construction and operation of road and railway infrastructure;
- the use of BAS technologies in the organization of integrated monitoring of transboundary natural and man-made complexes;
- mapping of border areas of States, development of symbols for topographic maps;
- environmental threats in the cross-border area: the impact of industrial enterprises on the environmental situation of the territories, the assessment of the impact of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site on the environmental situation in the region;
- cooperation of higher schools of Russia and Kazakhstan.
1. Trenin, I. S., Maksimov A. A., fgbu nits Planeta" of Roshydromet, Novosibirsk, Russia I. A. Soloviev, V. I. Rublev, Siberian center of fgbu "SRC "Planeta" of Roshydromet, Novosibirsk, Russia
Satellite monitoring of cross-border territories of Russia and Kazakhstan
2. Dubrovsky A.V., Malygin, O. I., Batin P., SSGA, Novosibirsk
On the issue of cadastre and land monitoring of transboundary territories (on the example of Russia and Kazakhstan)
3. Poshivaylo Y. G., SSGA, Novosibirsk
Problems of mapping of transboundary territories
4. Obidenko V. I., SSGA, Novosibirsk
Cross-border cooperation in geospatial technologies
5. Akhmetov B. J., EKSTU. D. serikbayeva, Republic of Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk
On the issue of monitoring and protection of lands of transboundary territories (on the example of the influence of radiation pollution of Semipalatinsk nuclear power PLANT)
6. Rahimberdin M. E., EKSTU. D. serikbayeva, Republic of Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk
Characteristics of the cadastral system of Kazakhstan
7. Titov D. N., EKSTU. D. serikbayeva, Republic of Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk
Prospects for cross-border cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan
8. Anashkin, P. A., JSC "Uralgeoinform", Ekaterinburg
Development of Internet services of nature management on the example of the service "Mariculture of the Far East»
Target audience: organizations and individuals involved in land use, geodetic support, mapping of transboundary territories of Russia and Kazakhstan; representatives of state and municipal authorities, business, participants of the exhibition and Congress, foreign experts.
On materials: GEO-Siberia-2018
JSC "Uralgeoinform"