"Interexpo GEO-Siberia-2018" continues its work. The second day of the XIV International exhibition, as well as the first, was rich in events. Today there were many round tables, conferences and meetings, among which we can highlight the plenary session "National geodesy and cartography: Formation, Current state, prospects of development"
Session organiser:
"Siberian state University of geosystems and technologies", Novosibirsk.
Research center of topogeodesic and navigation equipment of the 27th Central research Institute of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, Moscow
The purpose of the event: to summarize the achievements of the Russian military and civil geodesy and cartography and their contribution to the formation and development of modern Russia, to exchange experience of historical and modern research, to discuss current challenges and topical issues of cartography, Geoinformatics, remote sensing and geodesy.
Pobedinsky Gennady Germanovich, Ph. D., Director of the center of geodesy, cartography and spatial data infrastructure, Moscow
Evgeny Dolgov, doctor of military Sciences, chief researcher of The research center for topogeodesic and navigation support of the 27th Central research Institute of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Musikhin Igor Alexandrovich, Ph. D., Vice-rector for international and innovative activities, SSGA, Novosibirsk
Nikonov Anton Viktorovich, candidate of technical Sciences, senior lecturer of the Department of engineering geodesy and mine surveying SSGA, Novosibirsk
GOS under consideration
Consider issues:
‐ history of formation of the national geodesy and cartography;
‐ current state and prospects of development of Russian geodesy and cartography;
‐ current state and prospects of development of military science in the field of geodesy and cartography;
‐ development of the Arctic regions of Russia;
‐ cooperation of the military topographic service and the Russian geographical society.
1. Debts E. I., Sergeev S. V., research centre for navigation and geo-location of the 27th Central research Institute of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Nikonov A. V., SSGA, Novosibirsk
On joint activities of the Russian military topographic service and the Russian geographical society
2. Karpik A. P., SSGA, Novosibirsk
Obidenko, V. I., Ntgik, Novosibirsk, Russia
P. K. Shitikov, JSC "Inzhgeodeziya", Novosibirsk
Afonin, K. F., Opritov O. A., SSGA, Novosibirsk
Drawing and nomenclature of topographic maps and plans on the territory of the Novosibirsk region
3. Pobedinsky G. G., fsbi "Center of geodesy, cartography and spatial data infrastructure", Moscow
Volume and structural characteristics of arrays and flows of information in the creation and updating of state geospatial data of the Russian Federation
4. Dolgov E. I., Sergeev S. V., Research center of topogeodesic and navigation support of the 27th Central research Institute of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Nikonov A.V., SSGA, Novosibirsk
To the 100th anniversary of the topographic service of the red Army
5. Karpik A. P., Lipatnikov, A. L., SSGA, Novosibirsk
Dvorkin V. V., Kurshin V. V., Vdovin V. S., JSC "Russian space systems", Moscow
The main results and prospects of realization of the cooperation agreement between JSC "Russian space systems" and SSGA
6. Musikhin, I. A., SSGA, Novosibirsk
SSGA: the way in 85 years
7. Schmitt G., Karlsruhe University of Technology, Germany
The educational model in surveying and Geoinformatics engineering at the University of Karlsruhe
8. Lisitsky D. V., SSGA, Novosibirsk
Geomagnitnye technology – a new instrument of spatial development of territories
9. Mazurova E. M., MIIGAiK, Moscow
Kopeikin S. M., University of Missouri, USA
Karpik A. P., SSGA, Novosibirsk
On the development of the theory and practical implementation of methods of relativistic geodesy
Target audience: representatives of scientific and educational institutions, participants of professional activities in the field of geodesy, cartography and photogrammetry, students, postgraduates.
On materials: GEO-Siberia-2018
JSC "Uralgeoinform"