The first day of Interexpo GEO-Siberia


Interexpo GEO-Siberia - 2019

The second day of «Interexpo GEO-Siberia 2019»

Today, April 24, 2019, the opening ceremony of the XV International exhibition and scientific Congress "Interexpo GEO-Siberia"was held.

With welcome speeches to the Congress delegates were addressed by: the Governor of the Novosibirsk region, Travnikov A. A., rector of SSUGT, Chairman of the organizing Committee of the "Interexpo GEO-Siberia" - Karpik A. P., General Director of JSC "Roskartografiya" Carotin S. N., other members of the scientific Committee of the Congress.

After the Grand opening of the exhibition and Congress, scientific and technical conferences, round tables, master classes and plenary sessions began their work at many venues of the Novosibirsk Expocentre.

Among today's events can be highlighted – the plenary session "Geodesy of Russia: history, modernity, new horizons", which was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the geodesy and cartography. The plenary session was attended by representatives of:

  • Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation, Moscow
  • Federal service of state registration, cadastre and cartography,Moscow
  • Military topographic Department of the General staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Moscow
  • "Siberian state University of geosystems and technologies", Novosibirsk
  • Ministry of economic development of Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk
  • Fgbi "Center of geodesy, cartography and IPD", Moscow
  • JSC "Roskartografiya", Moscow
  • MOSCOW state University of geodesy and cartography, Moscow
  • Of the "State University on land management", Moscow
  • MOE "Russian society of geodesy, cartography and land management",Moscow

The plenary session was attended by representatives of Uralgeoinform JSC - General Director of Uralgeoinform - p. A. Anashkin, Chief engineer - Deputy CEO- T. A. Sukhanova, head of the Department of digital photogrammetry – D. M. Khaydukova.

The purpose of the event: to discuss a set of issues related to the historical milestones in the development of the domestic industry of geodesy and cartography, its importance in the formation of the economy and defense of the state; the history and current state of geodesic and land management education in Russia; new horizons of geodetic information support of spatial development of the state in the digital economy.

Consider issues:

  • historical milestones in the development of the domestic industry of geodesy and cartography, its importance in the formation of the state economy;
  • history and current state of geodesic and land management education in Russia, prospects of its development;
  • the role of the military topographic Department of the General staff of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation in solving the problems of geospatial defense of the state;
  • the role of research in the development of geodesy and cartography,
  • the formation of a technology leadership in geospatial activities;
  • the importance of photogrammetry and remote sensing in the development and development of the territory of the state; the role of small aircraft and UAVs in solving problems of geographic information support areas;
  • the role of JSC "Roskartografiya" in solving strategic tasks of geodetic information support of the state;
  • the role of geodesy in land management and real estate market;
  • outstanding figures in the field of geodesy and cartography, their contribution to the development of geospatial activities of the country;
  • modern geodesy in the era of digital economy, new horizons of the geoindustry and technological leadership.

Tomorrow the international exhibition will continue its work, follow the news on our website.

Interexpo GEO-Siberia - 2019

The second day of «Interexpo GEO-Siberia 2019»

On materials: SSUGT

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